Author: Terry & Wendy Gunn
Publisher: Stonefly Press, Oct 2013
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 1-939226-04-X
The very best tailwater fisheries across the U.S. and Canada. Each chapter is written by an expert outfitter or guide for their featured tailwater chapter. 200+ color photos; 8.5x11 inches.
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From Terry & Wendy Gunn - fly-fishing icons, and owners and operators of Lees Ferry Anglers, on the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. Contributions from such seminal figures in the sport as Pat Dorsey, Craig Mathews, Mike Lawson, Tim Linehan, and others. Detailed GIS maps accompany each tailwater, and suggestions for gear, lodging, dining, and more are highlighted. Seasonal hatch charts are included where appropriate, and over 200 four-color location photographs appear throughout.